Lasseter's Parts Team

We have more than right parts, we have the right answers.


Let our professional staff help you make parts purchasing a whole lot easier.

View our locations here, then call us today! 

Clint Sikes - Corporate Parts Manager

Clint Sikes Corporate Parts Manager

Clint Sikes
Corporate Parts Manager
Mobile: (912) 245-0969

Derrell Wright - Douglas

Derrell Wright

Derrell Wright
Parts Manager, Douglas

Office: (912) 384-4400
Mobile: (912) 655-6389

Emergency Parts: (912) 253-7278

David Price - Moultrie

David Price

David Price
Parts Manager, Moultrie

Office: (229) 985-1027
Mobile: (229) 305-

 Kurt Brown - Ocilla

Kurt Brown

Kurt Brown
Parts Manager, Ocilla

Office: (229) 468-5401
Mobile: (229) 425-9299
Emergency Parts: (229)-445-8238

 Mark Peavy - Unadilla

Parts Manager, Unadilla

Office: (478) 627-3291

Mobile: (229)-942-4164
Emergency Parts: (229)947-0790, (229)942-4164

Lee Stapleton - Lyons

Lee Stapleton

Lee Stapleton
Parts Manager, Lyons

Office: (912) 526-3410
Mobile: (912) 551-2062
Emergency Parts: (912) 347-0106

Matt Sauls - Tifton

Matt Sauls

Matt Sauls
Parts Manager, Tifton

Office: (229) 396-4400
Mobile: (229) 454-4837
Emergency Parts: (22)-326-1691