
Prepare Your Land for Hunting Season with Lasseter

posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 in Dealer News

Hunting season is just around the corner and food plots are essential to a great season.

There are many ways to prepare yourself for hunting season, but what about your land? Food plots are the perfect way to ensure your land is attracting deer. 

Some key benefits to creating and maintaining food plots include:

  • Food plots can attract deer to your land, increasing your chances of seeing more animals during hunting season.
  • Food plots also have great nutritional benefits for wildlife. By providing high protein food for fawns during a growth period, this food source can be especially beneficial to antler growth.

A well maintained food plot can provide wildlife with a consistent, high-quality food source throughout the year. Keep reading for helpful tips on establishing a food plot and to learn about what John Deere equipment can be helpful in this endeavor. 

  1. Choose a location. You want to choose a location for your plot where wildlife is already active. Look for deer tracks and droppings. Surveying your land for the perfect spot is made all the more enjoyable with a John Deere Gator, like the New John Deere XUV 835M HVAC Crossover Utility Vehicle. With an air-conditioned cab to keep you cool in the South Georgia heat, this Gator makes navigating any terrain easy while you search for an ideal food plot location to prepare for hunting season.
  2. Test the soil. If you’re unsure about soil health in your chosen location, test it before you plant. Testing the pH of your plot’s soil can help ensure that what you plant in the future will successfully grow in time for hunting season. If steps need to be taken to improve soil health for better results, it’s best to know up front. 
  3. Prep the soil. Two-weeks before planting, cut the weeds and grass to prepare your food plot, then mow your chosen plot location. A New 3025E Compact Utility Tractor and a Frontier RC2060 to mow with can make jobs like this a breeze. From here, till the ground, allowing any dead vegetation to mix back into the soil, creating a better environment for future growth.
  4. Plant and fertilize. For best results in the cooler months, consider vegetation like cereal grains or clover. Once hunting season starts, these plants will have begun attracting deer. Use a spreader to evenly disperse the seeds and return to fertilize them as needed. 
  5. Maintain. Return to your food plot frequently to ensure that it is thriving. Once again, a Compact Utility Tractor can be incredibly helpful with the maintenance phase of your food plot journey.

John Deere 1203E Compact Utility Tractor in use.

Prepare your land for the best hunting season yet. With John Deere Gators and Compact Utility Tractors, you can experience quality products while accomplishing work efficiently. Visit your nearest Lasseter Tractor Company to learn more.